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삼나무 인공조림 (人工造林) 임분의 (林分) 식생에 (植生) 관한 연구
The Study of Forest Vegetation in Cryptomeria japonica D . Don Plantations
이정석 ( Jyung Seok Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002105594

The vegetation of common Cryptomeria (Cryptomeria japonica D, Don) stands planted in Chonnam- province: was investigated to obtain the fundamental informations for evaluation of suitable site and the improvement of managing method of the Cryptomeria stands in this region. The results investigated were summarized as follows; 1) The growth condition of common Cryptomeria planted 21-25-year-old stands was similar that of same species growing in Akidaken-district in Japan, while the growth condition of 51-58-year-old stands was not so good as that of Japanese. 2) Total number of plant species was 256. The number of floristic composition varied in the range of 42-99- species, which should be mere than those of Japanese. 3) The investigated sites were located in temperate southern part and in subtrcpic northern part of Korean peninsular. The types of understory vegetation were classified from I to IV class. 4) From the results of high max. possible diversity (H` max), and dominance (1-J`) and from the low simple dominance (λ) and evenness (J`), It could be concluded that vegetation was relatively in evenness. 5) From the low percent similarity, the specificity among the stands could be evaluated as considerable. 6) After the index of Morista, the 8th stand in Chang sung showed the generalized vegetation, while the 12th stand in Chang hung showed the specialized vegetation. 7) From the low values of Sneath-Sokal distance, the similarity among the stands investigated appeared very high.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]