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잣나무의 유전력에 관한 연구 (Ⅰ) - 2-1 묘의 (苗) 묘고 (苗高) 및 근원경생장의 (根元徑生長) 유전력 -
Studies on the Heritability of Pinus koraiensis S . et Z . (Ⅰ) - Heritability of Height and Diameter Growth in 3- year - old Seedlings -
전상근 ( Sang Keun Chon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002105605

Heritability of height and diameter growth was estimated for 3-year-old seedlings from 75 mother trees in Pinus koraiensis. Estimates of single tree and family heritability by variance analysis were h²_I $gt; 1.0 and h²_F = 0.87 for height and h²_I =0.52 and h²_F = 0.64 for diameter respectively.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]