The second year`s results of surface fire effects on forest vegetation and soil properties and fire tolerance of various tree species were investigated in Mt. Gwanak, Kyunggi-do, successively after the study of the first year`s effect in the same place. Soil moisture contents, organic matters, and most of soil nutrients including exchangeable bases had increased just after fire and went down to become somewhat constant. Available phosphorous at fired area decreased until it became similar to that at unfired area, while pH of subsoil was continuously increasing from just after fire till after 1 year. For Lespedeza and Weigela species, fire tolerance of tree crown was the lowest but reproductive capacity was the highest, And both of them were high for Rhododendron species. More exact classification into Increasers, Decreasers, Invaders and Neutral species was possible in the second year`s study. According to comparison of similarities, it was found that the vegetational structure at fired area is slowly restoring to original state as time goes.