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한국산 Abies 속의 내외형태학적 특성에 관한 연구
Studies on the Morphological and Anatomical Characteristics of Genus Abies in Korea
김영두 , 김삼식 ( Yeang Du Kim , Sam Sik Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002106137

Some morphological and anatomical characteristics of four Abies species in Korea were investigated to find the characteristics and the taxonomical relationship between the species. The results were summarized as follows: There was no significant difference in needle thickness and number of hypodermic cell layer among 18 morphological and anatomical characteristics of cone and needle between the species. A. koreana and .A. nephrolepis were similar in above fourteen characters and A. holophylla and A. firma were also similar in the 14 characters. A. koreana and A. firma showed similarity in above two characters. Main resin canals of needles in A. koreana and A. nephrolepis were situated in leaf margin (L-LM), those of A. holophylla, in L, L-M and M, and that of A. firms fully in other locations except L.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]