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균근균의 (菌根菌) 인공접종에 의한 소나무류의 생장촉진
Growth Stimulation of Pines by Artificial Inoculation with Mycorrhizal Fungus , Pisolithus tinctorius
구창덕 , 이경준 , 임경빈 ( Chang Duck Koo , Kyung Joon Lee , Kyong Bin Yim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002106935

Two ectomycorrhizal fungi, Pisolithus tinctorius and Thelephora terrestris, were introduced form U.S.A. and inoculated to five pine species in Korea to evaluate the reported growth stimulation of host plants after inoculation. These fungi were grown as mycelial inoculum in large quantity and ioculated to the fumigated nursery soil just before seed sowing. At the end of the first growing season. Pisolithus stimulated the height growth of Pinus densiflora. P. thunbergii. P. rigida, and P. rigida x teada by55, 36, 69, and 37%, respectively, compared with control seedlings with no fumigation and no inoculation. When the growth stimulation was expressed with dry weight, Pisolithus increased dry weight of P. densiflora and P. rigida x taeda by 143% and 128%, respectively,over control seedling. Thelephora failed to stimulate growth of inoculated plants. Pinus koraiensis did not respond to the inoculation during the first growing season. It is concluded that artificial inoculation of nursery pine trees with selected mycorrhizal fungi should be seriously considered to improve the quality of planting stocks and to stimulate early plant growth. The potential for use of Pisolithus in reforestation on adverse sited is also discussed

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]