This study was conducted in order to obtain basic information for the development of a special compound fertilizer of the trials for chestnut tree cultivation in 1979-1980. Results were as follows: 1. Differences in growth performence after application of single, compound and special compound fertilizer was not significant, but fertilized showed more vigorous growth compared to control plots (without fertilizer). 2. Appearance of Chestnut strobile-drops was observed at: 62.2 % in control plots, 37-50 % in each single and compound fertilizer plots and in those with the double amount of compound fertilizer, 0.7 % in special compound fertilizer plots, 6.2 % in those with double amount of special compound fertilizer. 3. Riped strobiles were collected: 249 in compound fertilizer plots, 625 in special compound fertilizer plots, 391 in double amount of compound fertilizer plots, 816 in double amount of special compound fertilizer plots. 4. The production of chestnuts was: 4,662g in single fertilizer plots, 4,678g in compound fertilizer plots, 28,880g special compound fertilizer plots, l1,736g double amount of compound fertilizer plots, 33,073g double amount of special compound fertilizer plots. There was on significant differences of chestnut production between single fertilizer plots and compound fertilizer plot, but the production in double amount of special compound fertilizer plots was three time higher than in double amount of compound fertilizer plots. 5. The amount of chestnut production in 1980 dcereased compared to 1979 in single and compound fertilize plots due to shortage of sun light and high precipitation in the vegetation period but increased two times more in 1980 compared to 1979 in double amount of compound fertilizer and double amount of specific compound fertilizer plots. 6. Observation of these fertilizer-trial-plots will be continued during the next years in order to obtain more specific datas.