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구상나무 ( Abies koreana Wilson ) 재의 (材) 화학적 조성
The Chemical Composition of Abies koreana Wilson Wood
문창국 , 박종열 , 강위평 ( Chang Kuck Moon , Chong Yawl Pack , Wee Pyung Kang )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002107376
이 자료는 4페이지 이하의 자료입니다.

The Chemical components of Abies koreana Wilson grown in Korea were analized. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. The ash content is ca 0.56% on the average, and of the range is 0.33 to 0.76%. 2. The cold water extractive content is ca 8.76% on the average and of the range is 5.55 to 12.5%. 3. The hot water extractive content is ca 10.16% on the average and of the range is 4.80 to 13.65%. 4. Basic extractive content is ca 14.60% on the average and of the range is 5.51 to 25.44%. 5. The alcohol benzol soluble fraction is ca 4. 23% and of the range is 2.94 to 5.44%. 6. The holocellulose content is ca 76.49% on the average and of the range is 73.68% to 79.10%. 7. The cellulose content is ca 56.30% on the average and of the range is 46.02% to 61. 33%. The cellulose contains 78.54% α-cellulose, 7.66% β-cellulose and 14.04% γ-cellulose respectively. 8. The Klason lignin content is ca 25.03% on the average and of the range is 22.5 to 27.0%. In conclusion, ash content is comparable to the other needle leaf trees. It has 76.49% in holocellulose content which is comparable value to the Pinus densiflora`s. It has lower value than the Pinus densiffora in pentosan and lignin content. Having not resin cannal in xylem and long tracheid, this wood could be usable industrial material.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]