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Sasa 류의 유관속초관찰에 (維管束초觀察) 의한 형태학적 연구
A Study on the Morphological Observation of the Vascular Bundle Sheath in Sasa
김재생 ( Jai Saing Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002107447

To establish an easy classification method of bamboos observation of the shapes of vascular bundle sheath of Sasa, one of the important natural resources available in Korea, was made on the basis of vascular bundle sheath of bamboo culms because Sasa has a unique vascular bundle sheath as discussed by Grosser and Liese et al. Morphological characteristics of Saw observed are summarized as follows: 1. The thickness of culm wall showed no distinctive difference between upper and low parts of culms of Sasa grown at the ground level. 2. In relation to the taxonomical classification of bamboo, Sasa showed a and a` type but did not e.f.h. and e` type was not identified. 3. Two typical types of bamboo vascular bundle sheath, i.e. b.c.d.e. and g type and d and e type, were found in Sasa but sometimes b.c.g. type was not observed. 4. The results mentioned above seem to be an important key for classification of Sasa.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]