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소나무의 유전력에 관한 연구 (Ⅰ)
Study on the Heritabilities of Pinus densiflora S . et Z . (Ⅰ)
임경빈 , 노의래 ( Kyong Bin Yim , Eui Rae Noh )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002107841

Pinus densiflora S. et Z. which has the widest distribution and highest stock at present in Korea and has used as materials for fuel, house construction, furniture and many other purposes for several hundred years, is considered as one of major species of economic importance, although there are a few epidemic insect injuries and silvienltural difficulties in regeneration. However, since disorderly cutting has been conducted for long time, the valuable local stands have disappeared. Therefore immediate attempts should be taken on the gene conservation and genetic studies including heritabilities and genetic gains of desirable characters. One hundred and twently five plus trees have so far been selected from the nationwide area and kept for the purpose of seed orchard establishment and other theoretical studies. ]n this study, the wind pollinated seeds of grafted stocks of 13 plus trees in clone bank located in Suweon and the seeds of 4 Japanese plus trees were collected and their progenies were used for heritability study. As indicated in figure 1, thirteen plus trees are from the middle part of Korea and two experimental plantations were laid out in ]972 (1-1 stock) by the randomized block design with five replications, consisting of 10 trees line plots of each family in each replication. Tree height, root collar diameter and branch diameter at l㎝ apart from the main stem were measured. The results are summarized as follows. 1. The rank of height growth of each plus tree progenies by age was greatly changed under age 3 and it was affected more in poor site than good site. 2. The heritabilities of height growth were estimated to be 7.2% at age 3, negative sign at age 4, 9.4% at age 5, 13.0% at age 6, 8.1% at age 7 and abrupt increase of 63.8% at age 8. The heritabilities were generally increased with increase of age. 3. The heritabilities of root collar diameter and branch diameter (average of the three biggest branches) was 3.2% and 11.8% at age 8 respectively. 4. The genetic gain was largest at age 8 and it was 46.6% when a selection intensity, 1/500 was taken. It, therefore, seems to be reasonable that selection should not be made under age 7.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]