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한국의 대표적인 산림토양통에 (山林土壤統) 대한 중요 조림수종의 (造林樹種) 시비효과 (施肥效果) 분석에 관한 연구 (Ⅰ)
Analysis of Fertilizer Effect to the Main Tree Species with Typical Korean Forest Soil Series
정인구 , 김창호 ( In Koo Chung , Chang Ho Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002108237

This experimentation aims to study on the characterics of tree growth by forestry land soil system and the effect of applied fertilizer by kind of tree for obtaining basic data on application of fertilizer to forestry land and to further investigate the restriction factor of tree growth by soil system for promoting more effective application of fertilizer to forestry area. 1. The characteristics of tree growth by soil system showed that tree growth was worst on erosive soil, bad on red or red and yellow soil and generally good on brown soil. 2. With regard to Black Locust, the restriction factor of its growth appeared the content of P₂O_5 in the soil and the less the content of P₂O_5 is in the soil, the worse its growth was and its growth was bad on clay soil. 3. The growth of pinus seems closely related with the content of K₂O in the soil and the growth of PH was bad on neutral or alkali soil and good on weak-acid soil. Its growth greatly depended upon the content of OM or FN. 4. As Suwon Poplar is a kind of tree requiring for a special soil, its growth required for fertile soil and the content of O. MN P₂O_5 K₂O was proportional to its growth. 5. The growth of Black Locust, pinus and Suwon Poplar was good on the soil containing much sand but bad on the soil containing much clay.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]