According to Yoshihisa Kuroki`s report that the total amount of carotenoid was more in the susceptible to pine bark beetle, than in the resistant ones, carotenoids were extracted from needle leaves of one year old seedlings of Pinus thunbergii, Pinus desiflora, Pinus rigida, Pinus koraiensis, Pinus rigitaeda and Pinus taeda which are all important pines in Korea, to find their resistant ratio to the insect. The carotenoids were analyzed and compared using the spectra of them by spectrophotometer. The results were as follows: 1. The visible absorption spectra of carotenoids in those pine trees were proved to be very similar. 2. The total amount of carotenoids in needles differed with the tree species and the contents were arranged in decreasing order P. koraiensis$gt;P. rigida$gt;P. thunbergii$gt; P. rigitaeda$gt; P. taeda, it seemed that there was corelation between the cartenoid content and the extent of harm caused by the pine bark beetles except P. koraiensis. 3. But carotenoids were contained in Robinia pseudoacacia, Castanea crenata, Chamaecyparis obtusa and Cedrus deodra leaves too. 4. The total amounts of carotenoids in these pines of 9 species were arranged in decreasing order Robinia pseudoacacia$gt;Pinus koraiensis$gt;Pinus rigida$gt;Pinus thunbergii$gt;Castanea crenata$gt;Pinus rigitaeda$gt;Pinus taeda$gt;Chamaecyparis obtusa$gt;Cedrus deodara. Therefore, it was proved that there was no correlation between carotenoid cotent and extent of resistance to the insect. 5. In the thin-layer chromatography of these carotenoids, 13 kinds of components in P. densiftora, P. koraiensis and P. rigida and 12 kinds of spots in other pines, were detected respectively, under ultra-violet fluorescent lamp 3,600 Å and 2,537Å. 6. The eighth spots from the bottom in P. densiflora, P. koraiensis and P. rigida were not found in other pines and other 4 species (Robinia pseudoacacia, Castanea crenata, Chamacyparis obtusa, Cedrus deodra). Especially the spot in P. densiflora fluoresced strong cobalt blue-fluorescence under ultra-violet fluorescent lamp 2,537 Å.