A national programme of erosion control for soil and water conservation needs to be based on factual information about rates and quantities of soil erosion and of eater runoff. The best and simplest way of reducing sedimentation pollution is to prevent or control the erosion at its sources. Steeply sloping earth banks are liable to both surface erosion and land-slides and the key to the control of these form of erosion lies with drainages and dense vegetation establishment including surface mulching on the slopes. Micro-plots having 1.6㎡ (1 metre in width and 1.6 metres in slope length, and 1:1.2 in gradient) of banking slopes on the coarse sand soil are used to establish the order of magnititude of the difference in controlling of soil erosion and water runoff, and in potentiality of execution in consideration of the values of landscapes, performed on the 2 repetetions of six-experiment plots consisted of five surface mulches including seedings and one bare slope as a control treatment. The main results obtained may be summarized as follows: 1. The significant difference is realized in the quantities of soil erosion between the measures of six treatments. 2. Excepting the differences between treatment Ⅲ and Ⅵ, the significant difference is realized in the rate of surface runoff between each treatment measures. 3. Both measures of treatment Ⅱ and Ⅳ are recognized as the most effective measures in controlling the soil erosion and water runoff and also in establishing the ground vegetations. (Treatment Ⅱ is a measures of the coarse straw-mat mulchings on the micro-strip seedings, Treatment Ⅳ is a measures of the $quot;SPRAY-ON method$quot; on the micro-strip seedings). In consideration of the potentiality of execution as well as the value of landscapes, the measures of treatment Ⅱ could be recommendable for establishing the vegetation cover on the denuded gentle slopes in hillsides while the measures of treatment Ⅳ could be suitable for accelerating the establishment of vegetation on steeply sloping earth banks and cuts.