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합판의 방부처리가 (防腐處理) 그 접착강도 및 방부력에 미치는 영향
The Effects of the Preservative Treatment of the Plywood on it's Shear - strength and Decaying Properties
심종섭 ( C . S . Shim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002109234

In order to improve decaying properties of the plywood the effectiveness of the Malenit treatment on the shear strength and decaying properties of the plywood has been investigated. The results are as follows. 1. No decrease of the shear strength of the plywood has shown despite of whether plywood treated with malenit right after plywood made or veneer treated with the same preservative prior to plywood manufactured. 2. The effectiveness of Malenit treatment on decaying property of the plywood has shown much greater than that of the untreated plywood and red pine sapwood. 3. Weight decreases of the test specimens due to the infection of the different fungi have seen in different ways. If fungi infected are all different in kinds, weight decreases of the specimens are different in it`s degree due to the fungi.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]