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담양지방의 왕대나무에 있어서의 성장인자간의 상관 및 회귀 (回歸)
Correlation and Regression on Growth Factors of Phyllostachys bambusoides Sieb . et Zucc . in Tamyang District
이광남 ( Kwang Nam Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002109663

This study is, by correlation and regression analysis, on the correlation between culm height and other growth factors which are circle at eye height and length of internode. The samples were come by in Tamyang district, To sum up, the results are as follows; 1. Two growth factors are much more correlative to culm height; both simple correlation and multiple correlation between the former and the latter are significant. (yx=0.91, yz=0.78, yx·z=0.84, yz·x=0.55, Ry·xz=0.94) Seeing above significance, circle at eye height is more highly correlative than length of internode. 2. The following regression equation was derived from regression analysis. y= -0.687+0.335x+0.206z. y ; culm height. x ; circle at eye height. z ; length of internode. 3. By testing of the equation, regression coefficients are as follows; β≠O, γ≠O, β≠O≠γ 4. The results tested the precision of the empirical formula, standard error of standard error by percentage are as follows. Sy·xz=0.89, Sy·xz(%)=8.14

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]