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잣나무 식재림의 (植栽林) 생태학적 연구 (Ⅰ) - 하층식생에 (下層植生) 대하여 -
Ecological Studies on Korean White Pine Forest (Ⅰ) - On the Undergrowth Vegetation -
전상근(Sang Keun Chon), 정현배(Hyon Pae Chong)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002109754

As one part of the ecological studies of Korean white pine plantation, a synecological survey was made on the undergrowth vegetation of Korean white pine plantations of different age class i.e., 5, 15, 25, 35, and 40 year age classes under which shrub and ground vegetation were distinctly different. And, the results are summarized as follows. 1. In shrub, the important species is Corylus heterophylla var. japonica and the dominant species in each age-class stand are as follows; 5 year-class ; Quercus mongolica, Lespedeza Maximowiczi. 15 year-class ; Corylus heterophylla var. japonica, Lespedeza Maximowiczi. 25 year-class ; Corylus heterophylla var. japonica. 35 year-class ; Corylus heterophylla var. japonica, Maackia amurensis. 40 year-class ; Corylus heterophylla var. japonica. 2. The higher the age class of the plantation are, the lower the height and the density of the shrub become. 3. Dominant species of ground-vegetation under the shrub of each age-class are as follows; 5 year-class ; Arundinella hirta var. cilia, Miscanthus purpurascens. 15 year-class ; Arundinella hirta var. ciliata, Potentilla Freyniana. 25 year-class ; Physematium manchuriense, Viola xanthopetala, Rubus craegifolius. 35 year-class ; Viola xanthopetala, Rubus crataegifolius. 45 year-class ; Viola xanthopetala, Rubus crataegifolius. 4. The standing crops of ground vegetation under the shrub were decreased with increasing age-class, which also caused the decreasing height and density and changing floristic composition of the shrub. 5. The ratio of the standing crop of root to the standing crop of shoot was increased as the age class increased. 6. The floristic composition of ground vegetation has shown a change from heliophyte to sciophytes on the sere.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]