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한국산 외래수종의 (外來樹種) 수재해부학적 (水材解剖學的) 식별
Anatomical Identification of the Woods of Exotic Tree Species Grown in Korea
이필우 ( Phil Woo Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002109825

This study was carried out to investigate the identification of the woods of commercially important exotic tree species grown in Korea. The test trees used in this study were selected 21 species grown in Kwangyang and Suwon, Korea. The items of macroscopical features were observed and examined principally on the annual rings, transitions spring to the summerwood, pore tpes and arrangements, sap and heartwoods, wood colors, odor and tastes, resin ducts, parenchymas, and rays etc. The microscopical features observable in the elements, and their compositions such as vessels, tracheids, wood fibers, ray parenchyma cells, and intercellular cannals were observed and measured. The observed and measured results investigated were synthesized, and accordance with these results macroscopical and microscopical keys were prepared for the wood identification as seen in the text.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]