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현행 이변수재적표의 (二變數材積表) 적합성에 대하여
On the Suitability of the volume table based upon D . B . H . and Height now in use
김동춘 ( D . C . Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002110299
This article is 4 pages or less.

According to the test of suitability on the acting volume table based upon D.B.H. and Height, the volume by the standing volume table of soft woods produced in Kangwon Province is larger than the true volume and the volume by the standing volume table prepared in form factor 0.45 is smaller than the true volume on the all species obviously. But the volume by the standing volume table of the red pine produced in Kangwon Province and that of Korean white pine prepared in Forest Expriment Station equal to the true volume well.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]