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워싱턴주 케스케이드산맥 동쪽 산림에서 환경구배가 식생구조와 연령분포에 미치는 영향
Influences of Enviornmental Gradients on the Patterns of Vegetation Structure and Tree Age Distribution in the East Side of Cascade Range , Washington , USA
우수영(Su Young Woo), 이경준(Kyung Joon Lee), 이상돈(Sang Don Lee)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002110537

To understand vegetation changes along environmental gradients in the natural forests in the east side of the Cascade Range in Washington state, USA, line transects were used to sample six different forest environments in the Wenatchee National Forest in the north-facing and south-facing sites at 975, 1280 and 1700m elevation. Data were analyzed using ordination by detranded correspondence analysis. Pseudotsuga menziesii was found as one of the dominant species on all the six sites regardless of elevation or aspect, while Pinus ponderosa was dominant on south slopes only. Abies grandis and A. lasiocarpa were dominant species on north slopes at elevations of 1280 and 1700m, respectively. Moisture, as it related to aspect, was identified as one of the most important environmental gradients for explaining the variation of vegetation types. On north-facing slopes, compared to south-facing slopes, where moisture was not as limiting and canopies could grow denser, probably, elevation or competitive interaction was more important. Species diversity tended to decrease with increasing environmental severity, with south slopes having less diversity than north slopes due to extended water stress and harsher temperature extremes on south slopes. The age structure on north-facing and south-facing slopes was different. Light intensity, moisture and climate were different between these two slopes. Large scale disturbances(e.g., big fire or insects) were major causes in changing age structure. Younger trees showed a closer relationship between size and age than adult trees. DBH values of shade intolerant species in south-facing slope were bigger than those of north-facing slope, which suggested that aspect of stands be the most important factor for age and size.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]