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송백류삽수의 발근에 관한 연구
On the rooting of the cuttings of two conifer species
임경빈 ( Kyong Bin Yim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002111276

Outdoor cuttings studies on two coniferous species, pitch pine and needle fir, have been made at Suwon, Korea extending from March to early May, 1956. The purpose of these studies was to find the effects of ages of parent trees, topophysis, dilute hormone solution treatments and the time at which the cuttings were collected on the rooting response of the cuttings, On September 2, rooting results were examined. Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida) The total of 1335 cuttings were collected from 3- and 10-year old trees. The cuttings treated were planted on March 13 and April 20. 1. In the cuttings collected from 3-year-old seedlings, the best result (34 percent rooted) was obtained by treating ends of cuttings with a mixture of 50 ppm IBA and 50 ppm NAA. 2. No rooting was observed in lammas shoots. 3. The cuttings from 3-year-old seedlings gave better rooting than those from 10-year-old trees. 4. The root origins were developed from the lower part of the cutting and the cut surface. Needle fir (Abies holophylla) One hundred twenty-five cuttings were collected from a 30-year-old tree. The cuttings treated with any one of four mixed hormone solutions were planted on March 23. 1. Fifteen cuttings out of 75 cuttings from the lower half of the crown were rooted. The cuttings obtained from the upper half of the crown did not root at all. 2. The cuttings treated by the hormone solution made up of 20 ppm IAA, 20 ppm IBA, 20 ppm NAA, 20 ppm thiamine and 5 percent sucrose gave the best rooting (22 percent). 3. All roots originated from callus tissues and irregularly arranged parenchymatous tissues near the cut base.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]