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유전 및 육종 : Holstein 종의 임신기간 , 분만간격 및 생시체중에 대한 환경효과 및 유전모수 추정
Breeding and Genetics : Estimation of Environmental Effects and Genetic Parameters for Gestation Length , Calving Interval and Birth Weight of Holsteins
최유림(Y . L . Choi), 안병석(B . S . Ahn), 고문석(M . S . Ko), 김준식(J . S . Kim), 최광수(K . S . Choi)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002111594
* This article is free of use.

This study was carried out to estimate the effects of environmental factors and genetic parameters on gestation length, calving interval and birth weight of Holsteins. The data used for this study was the reproduction records of Holsteins which were perfomtance- tested at the National Livestock Research Institute from 1969 to 1988. The effects of parity, lunar calendar day at A. I. time and calving year were not significant for gestation length, but calving season, sex of calf and sire were significant (P$lt;0.01) for gestation length. The parity, calving year and sire were significant(P$lt;0.01) for calving interval. There were significant effects on birth weight between parities (P$lt;0.01), calving seasons(P$lt;0.01), sex of calf(P$lt;0.01) and sires(P$lt;0.05). The least square means and standard errors for gestation length and calving interval ranged from 278.18±1.58 days to 279.59±1.40 days and from 358.60±19.03 days to 434.99±12.51 days through parities, respectively. Especially, the results showed that the calving interval was shorted with increasing parity. The birth weights ranged from 40.63±1.24㎏ to 44.87±3.47㎏ and from 40.58±0.79㎏ to 42.74±0.90㎏ through calving years and calving seasons, respectively. The estimated heritabilities of gestation length, calving interval and birth weight were 0.11±0.06, 0.07±0.09 and 0.09±0.05, respectively. The estimated genetic and phanotypic correlations between gestation length and calving interval were 0.40±0.06 and - 0.01±0.63, respectively.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]