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냉장저장중 식물성 기름 , 물 및 Carrageenan 의 첨가가 저지방 소세지의 화학적 특성에 미치는 영향
Effects of Seed Oils , Water and Carrageenan on the Chemical Properties of Low - fat Sausages during Cold Storage
문점동(J . D . Moon), 박구부(G . B . Park), 박범영(B . Y . Park), 박태선(T . S . Park), 김진성(J . S . Kim), 이정일(J . I . Lee), 신택순(T . S . Shin), 송또준(D . J . Song)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002111605
* This article is free of use.

This study was conducted to investigate the possibility of production of low fat sausage which was made with vegetable oils and added water to reduce back fat content in the sausage. The sausage samples were stored at 5±1℃. The chemical properties were analyzed for over a period of times(0, 2, 4, 6 weeks). The results obtained were summarized as follows The pH of all treatments was increased with the storage period. The pH of sausages with carrageenan was higher than those of control and others(P$lt;0.05). The thiobattiituric acid reactive substances(TBARS) of low fat sausages without carrageenan was a little lower than that of control. The TBARS of low fat sausages with carcageenan was higher than those of others during storage period(P$lt;0.05), and it was rapidly increased after 4th week in all the treatments. The cholesterol content of control was higher than those of others, and that of low fat sausages was decreased. There was no difference within the treatments during the storage period. The composition of fatty acids of sausages with olive, sunflower and perilla oil was changed, so treatment B (back fat 7.5%, olive oil 7.5% and water 25%) and C(back fat 7.5%, olive oil 7.5%, water 15% and carrageenan 0.5%), D(back fat 7.5%, sunflower oil 7.5% and water 25%) and E(back fat 7.5%, sunflower oil 7.5%, water 25% and carrageenan 0.5%) and F(back fat 7.5%, perilla oil 7.5% and water 15%) and G(back fat 7.5%, perilla oil 7.5 %, water 25% and carrageenan 0.5%) had higher oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, respectively. There was no difference within the treatments during the storage period. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids of sausages was affected by oil type and there was no difference within the treatments during the storage period. The ratio of saturated to monounsaturated to polyunsaturated fatty acids of sausages was affected by oil type and was different from that of control. There was no difference within the treatments during the storage period. The ratio of n-3 to n-6 fatty acids of sausages was different from that of control, and that of treatment F and G, both of which perilla oil was added, was higher than those of others. There was no difference within the treatments during the storage period.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]