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염색체분염법 ( G- banding ) 에 의한 돼지의 품종별 유전적 표지인자 구명에 관한 연구
Study on the Genetic Markers in Swine Breeds by the G- banding Analysis
김철욱(C . W . Kim), 손시환(S . H . Sohn)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002129583
* This article is free of use.

To identity genetic martcers of several swine breeds, the G-banding patterns were analyzed. The peripheral blood cells which were collected from the jugular vein were cultured and G-banding patterns were analyzed from 50 Yorkshire, 50 Landrace, and 50 Duroc individuals. Swine chromosomes consist of metacentric, submetacentric, and acrocentric chromosomes. The number of swine chromosomes are 38(2n). According to the G-banding analysis, most of chromosomes had a distinct and regular band pattern. The total number of G-bands in swine was about 250 bands, of which 110 bands were dark hands. Several specific G-band patterns were found among breeds. In Landrace, chromosome I had a distinctive proximal dark band on the p-ann and chromosome 13 to chromosome 18 also had manifest dark bands at the centromere position. On the other hand, Yorkshire and Duroc had irregular banding patterns at these sites. In addition, the G-bands of the nucleolar organizer region (NOR) which was located at centromere of chromosome 10 showed different patterns among breeds. Landrace and Duroc had a broad Gght band in this position. However, Yorkshire had a narrow light band. The specific banding pattern was consistent and characteristic among all presented breeds. Therefore we present these specific G-band patterns as chromosomal markers for several swine breeds.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]