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축산물 및 가공 ; Lactobacillus casei 를 이용한 유용유산균에 관한 연구
Animal Products and Processing ; Study on the Plasmid Gene Transformation of Lactobacillus casei
김현욱(Hyun Uk Kim), (Cynthia Murphy), (Bruce M . Chassy)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002130088
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 무료로 이용 가능한 자료입니다.

In order to improve the health-promoting activity of lactic acid hacteria, a good industrial host lactic acid bacterium and a good cloning vector is the prereyuisitc. Lactohacillus casei 102S, a known host strain, and Lactohacillus acidophilus HY7001, an established industrial strain, hove been examined for host strains of lactobacilli for research and industrial purposes, and a cloning vector plasmid, pNZ123, is tested for its stability in L casei 1025 and L acidophilus HY7001. The cells of these two lactobacillus strains from the logarithmic growth phase in LCM at 37℃ have been successfully transformed with plasmid pNZ123 by electroporation with 1100 voltage of electrical shock. The transformed cells of L casei 102S and L acidophilus HY7001 produced normal shapes of colonies on LCM agarplates and exhibited the chloramphenicol resistance phenotypes from pNZ123. Plasmid DNA of trenaformed L rasei 1025 and L acidnphikc.s HY7001 evidenced the bands of pNZ 12 3 on the agarose gel after electrophoresis. Bacteriocin plasmid, pIND. didn`t seem to transform any lactobacillus tested and any transformants of L casei 102S or L acidophilus HY7001 with pIND could not he isolated on the LCM agar plates after cotransformation attempt with pBS19, pBS100, or pNZ123.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]