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대두박 , 대두유 , 생대두 및 Extrusion 처리대두 급여가 면양에 있어 반추위내 대사와 영양소의 장내이동에 미치는 영향
Effect of Feeding Soybean Meal , Soybean Oil , Raw and Extruded Soybean on the Ruminal Metabolism and Nutrient Flow in Sheep
고종열(J . Y . Ko), 하종규(J . K . Ha), 이남형(N . H . Lee), 성기승(K . S . Sung)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002132299
* This article is free of use.

This experiment was conducted to study the effect of feeding soybean meal (SBM), soybean oil plus SBM, raw soybean (RSB) and extruded soybean (ESB) on the nitrogen (N) metabolism in the rumen, organic matter (OM) and nitrogen flow to the abomasum in lambs. Results obtained from the present study are summarized as follows: 1. Ruminal pH, NH₃-N and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) were not affected by soybean sources. Isobutyrate (P$lt;0.01), isovalerate and valerate (P$lt;0.05) were highest for RSB and lower the heat processed diets. There was no dietary effect on ruminal OM digestion and flow to the abomasum, but a consistent trend for higher OM flow with ESB diet was observed compared with RSB diet. Nitrogen retention (% intake) was not affected by treatments and ranged from 39 to 42%, and urinary N excretion was lower for ESB diet. Soybean oil supplementation to the SBM diet tended to decrease N retention. Nitrogen flow and non ammonia nitrogen (NAN) flow to the abomasum were similar among soy-bean sources. Nitrogen composition of rumen bacteria was highest for SBM diet (P$lt;0.05) and levels of essential amino acid, notably lle, Met and Phe, were tended to be higher for SBM diet. Ether extract content in abomasal whole digesta was lowest (P$lt;0.05) with SBM diet, and Met and Asp were highest (P$lt;0.05) with ESB diet.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]