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한국 꿩 ( Korean Ring - necked Pheasant ) 의 형태적 특징과 핵형 분석
The Phenotypic Characteristics and Karyotype of Korean Ring - necked Pheasant ( Phasianus colchicus )
최성복(S . B . Choi), 손시환(S . H . Sohn), 정선부(S . B . Chung), 정일정(I . C . Cheong), 오희정(H . J . Ohh)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002133165
* This article is free of use.

A preliminary study of phenotypic characteristics and karyotype of Korean ring-necked pheasant was carried out. The phenotypic characters of interest were mainly feather color and body conformation. In phenotypic characteristics. the feather color patterns and body type showed significant differences in male and female. A distinctive feature of Korean ring-necked pheasant male had red skin around eyes. white ring neck. and brownish-yellow color in whole body feather In contrast. a female bad mixed color of dark brown and buff in whole body feather. Through the karyological analysis from carp embryonic tissues the diploid complements of Korean ring-necked pheasant had a total of 82 chromosomes which were mostly acrocentric chromosomes except metacentric chromosome I and Z sex chromosome. The morphologic structures of these chromosomes were almost telomeric acrocentric. However, chromosome 5 and W sex chromosome were the acrocentric chromosomes with a short arm. The centromeric indices of chromosome I and Z sex chromosome were 39% and 42% respectively. The relative lengths of these chromosomes were 32.5% and 13.3% respectively.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]