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Lysozyme 과 Sodium Ultraphosphate 처리가 비엔나 소시지의 저장성에 미치는 영향
Effect of Lysozyme and Sodium Ultraphosphate on the Shelf - life of Vienna Sausage
이성기(S . K . Lee), 김경환(K . H . Kim), 김기성(K . S . Kim), 김영붕(Y . B . Kim), 유익종(I . J . Yoo)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002133690
* This article is free of use.

This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of lysozyme and sodium ultraphosphate(SUP) as vienna sausage preservatives. Surface bacteria of marketed sausage was inoculated in MRS broth or added in 0.06M phosphate buffer(pH 6.3) with lysozyme and SUP. Vienna sausage was also manufactured and storaged at 25℃ for 22 days. Treatments were ① no addition as control, ② addition lysozyme 100ppm and SUP 0.2% to sausage emulsion during manufacturing, ③ immersion manufactured sausage in lysozyme 500ppm and SUP 1% solution for ④ min. and 1 addition and immersion combined treatment. Lysozyme combined with sodium ultraphosphate could not only inhibit bacterial growth in MRS broth but also lose nongrowing bacteria in phosphate buffer although lysozyme alone did not stimulate the rate of lysis. The effect of bacterial inhibition was different among the individual microflora. When vienna sausage was treated with addition and immersion combined treatment, surface bacteria of sausage was most inhibited among the all treatments. Microbial growth of sausage could be inhibited below 10³cfu/㎠ up to 22 days storage at 25℃, with addition and immersion combined treatment.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]