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Aflatoxin B1 과 Vitamin D3 급여가 Broiler 병아리의 제3지열골 무기물 함량에 미치는 영향
Effect of Feeding Aflatoxin B1 and Vitamin D3 on Middle Toe Bone Minerals of Broiler Chicks
장윤환(Y . H . Chiang), 여영수(Y . S . Yeoh)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002133736
* This article is free of use.

This study was conducted to investigate the interaction of aflatoxin B₁(AFB₁) and vitamin D₃(VD₃) in broiler chicks. The 336 broiler chicks(Hubbard line) of equally mixed sex were allocated to triplicate 8 (2×4 factorial) treatment groups. The 0 or 1 mg/kg of AFB₁ and 0. 500. 1,000 or 1.500 IU/kg of VD₃ were supplemented to the basal diet. Fourteen broilers of equally mixed sex were allocated to each replica and 24 groups were arranged in a randomized block design. After 3 weeks of feeding the middle toes cut at the joint between second and third bone from distal toenail were collected from the right and left legs of 4 chicks (2 for each sex) per group. The bone ash and minerals were measured. l. In respect to the non-fat dry weight of middle toe bone no significant difference was shown by feeding AFB₁ however, there was a decreasing trend of weight according to the increasing level of VD₃. 2. The ash, Ca, Na. Mg and Fe contents in non-fat dry middle toe of broiler chicks fed 1 mg/kg AFB₁ were decreased. The Ca content in middle toe was increased as fed increasing levels of VD₃. The 1500 IU/Kg of VD₃ was recommended to recover the damage of feeding AFB₁. 3. The Na content in toe was not changed according to the different levels of VD₃ However, the interaction between AFB₁ and VD₃ was recognized in respect to the Na concentration in middle toe(P$lt;.05). When chicks were fed 0 mg/kg AFB₁, the Na contents was decreased according to the increasing amount of VD₃. While 1 mg/kg AFB₁ was fed, an increasing figure was presented. 4. The Mg content was decreased following the increasing levels of VD₃(P$lt;.01), which showed reverse trend with Ca content. 5. The Fe concentration in middle toe was also decreased according to the increasing levels of VD₃(P$lt;.05). The interaction between AFB₁ and VD₃ was found(P$lt;.05). The Fe content was decreased following the increasing amount of VD₃ when fed 0 mg/kg AFB₁ while similar amounts of Fe in middle toe were shown according to the VD₃ feeding when fed 1 mg/kg AFB₁.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]