This study was conducted to estimate the effect of inbreeding on the performance of Angora rabbit by the comparison of the inbred offspring produced by full-sib mating and non-inbred offspring. Seventy-three litters of Angora rabbit were produced and performance tested. Of these, 34 litters were inbred and 39 litters were non-inbred. The data were statically analyzed by the least squares method. The difference between inbred and non-inbred offspring (non-inbred-inbred) estimated was 20g for 3 week weight, 60g for 2 month weight, 86g for 4 month weight, 48g for 7 month weight, 7g for wool yield to 140 days of age, 0.03 for litter size at birth, 0.05 for litter size at weaning, -0.2 day for gestation length and 3.9% for survival rate to weaning. Although the inbred offspring were inferior to the non-inbred offspring in body weights, wool yield, litter size at birth, litter size at weaning and survival rate to weaning, the differences between inbred and non-inbred offspring were statistically insignificant for all traits studied.