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한우의 체중 및 체형에 대한 유전모수 추정에 관한 연구
Study on Genetic Parameters of Body Weight and Body Type in Korean Native Cattle
오봉국(B . K . Ohh), 이득환(D . H . Lee), 양영훈(Y . H . Yang)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002134551
* This article is free of use.

This study was conducted to estimate heritabilities and genetic correlations on body weight and body measurements obtained from 4193 records of cows after 500 days of age in Korean native cattle(hanwoo). Results obtained were summarized as follows ; 1. Heritabilities and standard errors of body weight, chest width and chest girth were 0.35±0.084, 0.20± 0.053 and 0.24±0.062 respectively, and the estimates were higher values than those of other traits(wither height, rump height etc.). 2. Genetic correlation coefficient was estimated 0.96 between body weight and chest girth, 0.94 between body weight and rump width, 0.97 between wither height and rump height and 0.94 between body length and rump width. 3. For improving hanwoo as beef cattle, improvement for rump width as standing for developing latter part might be concurrent improvement for body length and body weight.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]