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어분 (魚粉) 과 Formaldehyde 처리 대두박의 단백질 및 아미노산의 이용율과 육성비육우 (育成肥育牛) 의 증체 효과
Effects of Fish Meal and Formaldehyde Treated Soybean Meal on the Protein and Amino Acid Utilization and on the Growth Responses of Growing Holstein Bulls
조홍래(H . R . Cho), 맹원재(W . J . Maeng), 남귀현(K . H . Nam), 송병춘(B . C . Song)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-000783921
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 무료로 이용 가능한 자료입니다.

This experiment was conducted to measure the effects of fish meal and formaldehyde treated soybean meal (HCHO-soybean meal) on the protein and amino acid utilization and on the growth responses of growing Holstein bulls. The results obtained were as follows ; l. Dry matter digestibilities in dacron bag inserted into fistulated steer were the lowest in fish meal, followed by HCHO-soybean meal and soybean meal and nitrogen digestibility was the highest in soybean meal followed by fish meal and HCHO-soybean meal. Dry matter disappearance rates of fish meal, HCHO-soybean meal and soybean meal in the rumen were 11.53, 13.26 and 14.72%/h, and nitrogen disappearance rates were 11.54, 12.36 and 15.17%/h, respectively. 2. Nitrogen digestibilities of fish meal, HCHO-soybean meal and soybean meal were 37.1, 21.4 and 79.2% in the rumen and 52.0, 76.7 and 20.4% in the small intestine, respectively. Total amino acid disappearance of fish meal, HCHO-soybean meal and soybean meal were 36, 41, 60% in the rumen and 51, 55 and 37% in the small intestine, respectively. 3. Improvements of daily growth of growing Holstein bulls fed diets containing fish meal, HCHO-soybean meal and soybean meal were 16.2, 18.4 and 11.3%, respectively over diet containing urea (0.735kg gain/day) and improvements of feed conversion were 15.2, 16.2 and 15.2% as compared with urea diet. Daily weight gains of growing Holstein bulls were higher by 4.3 and 6.2% in diets containing fish meal and HCHO-soybean meal as compared with soybean meal diet, but there were no difference between HCHO-soybean meal and fish meal diets.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]