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Pepsin - Cellulase 에 의한 국내산 주요 조사료의 DMD 에 관한 연구 2 . 두과 야초의 세포벽 구성물질과 건물소화율
Study on the Dry Matter Digestibility of Domestic Herbage by Pepsin - Cellulase Technique 2 . Cell wall constituents and dry matter digestibility in wild legumes
김대진(D . J . Kim), 김영길(Y . K . Kim), 맹원재(W . J . Maeng)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002135154
* This article is free of use.

The change of the chemical components and dry matter digestibilities of wild legumes(Cassia minosoides, Vicia angustifolia, Robinia pseudo acacia, Lespedeza bicolor, Pureria thunbergiana) grown in the mountainous area, Kyungsangnam-do province was determined by the advanced stage of maturity. Samples were dried at 70℃ for 24hr. and ground to pass a l-mm screen. Samples were subjected to the determination of the crude protein (N×6.25), crude ash, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), and dry matter digestibility (DMD) by pepsin-cellulase technique. The energy values (total digestible nutrients, TDN; digestible energy, DE; metabolizable energy, ME) were calculated by DMD of pepsin-cell ulase technique. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The crude protein of wild legumes were ranged 17.49%∼25.74% and the crude protein had a tendency to decrease by advanced stage of maturity. 2. The crude ash of wild legumes were ranged 5.24%∼l0.l8% and the crude ash was not differentiated by advanced stage of maturity. 3. The NDF of wild legumes were ranged 51.94%∼58-97% and the NDF was increased by advanced stage of maturity (p $lt;0.05). 4. The ADF of wild legumes were ranged 30.64%∼39.95% and the ADF was increased by advanced stage of maturity (p$lt;0.05). 5. The ADL of wild legumes were ranged 7.24%∼14.63% and the ADL was increased by advanced stage of maturity (p$lt;0.05). 6. The DMD of wild legumes were ranged 44.48%∼61.80% and the DMD was decreased by advanced stage of maturity (p$lt;0.05). 7. The calculated energy (TDN, DE, and ME) values of wild legumes were decreased by advanced stage of maturity. 8. Regression equation and correlation coefficient of wild legumes between ADL(Y) and crude protein(X) were Y=-0.271X+15.626, and r=-0.559(p$lt;0.01), and of wild legumes between DMD(Y) and ADL(X) were Y=-2.494X+77.912 and r=-0.618(p$lt;0.01), respectively.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]