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한우와 육우교잡종에 대한 산육 및 사료이용성에 관한 연구
Studies on Growth Rate and Feed Efficiency of Korean Native Cattle and Beef Crossbreds
홍성구(S . K . Hong), 나기준(K . J . Na), 이근상(K . S . Lee), 김내수(N . S . Kim), 이택원(T . W . Lee)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002136282
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 무료로 이용 가능한 자료입니다.

This study was carried out to investigate the growth rate, feed efficiency and carcass traits of Korean native cattle (KK), and it`s crossbreedsive Simmental carssbreed (SK), Brown Swiss crossbreed (BK) and Japanese brown crossbreed (JK) at livestock experiment station from 1979 to 1986. The effects of the mating system, year of birth and season of birth on the body weights at 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 months of age, on the nutrient intakes at the different months of age and on the carcass traits were estimated by least squares method. Breed groups were consisted of 12 calves; of KK, 6 calves of SK, 8 calves of BK and 5 calves of JK. 1. Growth capacity The average body weights of KK, SK BK and JK were 97.1±16.4㎏, 182.8±11.5㎏, 191.8±14.0㎏ and 127.9±15.4㎏ at 6 months (P$lt;0.05), 169.0±20.9㎏, 289.4±14.7㎏, 277.7±17.8㎏ and 223.8±19.6㎏ at 9 months, 242.7±29.7㎏, 424.7±20.9㎏, 386.3±25.3㎏ and 329.4±27.9㎏ at 12 months, 343.0±31.7㎏, 527.3±22.3㎏, 495.0±27.1㎏ and 410.8±29.8㎏ at 15 months, 421.6±32.9㎏, 625.7±23.1㎏, 573.3±28.1㎏ and 497.4±31.0㎏ at 18 months of age, respectively (P$lt;0.01). The average daily gains of KK, SK, BK and JK were 0.90±0.06㎏, 1.23±.004㎏, 1.06±0.05㎏ and 1.03±0.06㎏, respectively (P$lt;0.01). 2. Feed efficiency D.M. requirements per ㎏ gain of KK, SK, BK and JK were 6.48±0.30㎏, 6.50±0.25㎏, 7.52±0.30㎏ and 6.43±0.33㎏, respectively (P$lt;0.05). The average amounts of C.P, requirement per ㎏ gain of KK, SK, BK and JK were 1.03±0.05㎏, 1.06±0.04㎏, 1.23±0.05㎏ and 1.00±0.05{{ }}㎏, respectively (P$lt;0.05). 3. Carcass traits The average carcass percentages of KK, SK, BK and JK were 60.1±1.3%, 62.2±1.0%, 61.4±1.2% and 60.6±1.2%, and the average lean meat percentages of KK, SK, BK and JK were 44.3±1.2%, 46.4±0.9%, 43.3±1.1% and 43.4±1.0%, respectively. There were no significant differences among breed groups in carcass and lean meat percentage.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]