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대관령지역에 있어서 낙농가를 위한 청예용 사초생산에 관한 연구 1 . 사초용유채 ( Brassica napus Subsp . oleifera ) 의 적응성 및 파종시기에 관한 시험
Studies on the Soiling Forage Production for the Dairy Farm in the Taekwanryong Area 1 . Experiments on the adaptability and sowing time of the forage rape ( Brassica napus Subsp . oleifera )
김창주(C . J . Kim), 김병완(B . W . Kim)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002136691
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 무료로 이용 가능한 자료입니다.

This experiment was conducted as a part of the studies on the soiling forage production for the dairy farm in the Taekwanryong area, to investigate the adaptability of forage rape and determine the proper time of sowing in the Taekwanryong area. Two cultivars of forage rape (Brassica napus Subsp. oleiferaJ, Akela and Ramon, and a cultivar of oilseed rape, Halla, were sowed at intervals of about 10 days according to the treatment plan from the early August to the early October 1986 on the experimental field (815m above sea level) located Hoengke-ri Toam-myon Pyongchang-gun Kangwon-do, Korea. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. In Taekwanryong area, Ramon showed apparently higher adaptability than Akela, while Halla the lowest adaptability among the three cultivars. 2. In Taekwanryong area, the forage rape for soiling should be sowed not later than late August, and`for grazing not later than early September. 3. In Taekwanryong area, it is thought that the sowing and growing of the forage rape will be possible in summer season. 4. In Taekwanryong area, if the forage rape is grown as a second cropping on the fallow fields of cool high3and summer vegetables, it is expected that land productivity will be raised. 5. In plant length measured at the harvesting time, 70 days after the sowing, Akela marked 49.3㎝, 32.8∼36.9㎝, and 19.2㎝ in the plot sowed early August, middle and late August, and early September respectively; while Ramon was longer than Akela by average 3.2㎝ through those plots. 6. In fresh forage yield, harvested 70 days after the sowing, Akela recorded 47.73t/㏊, 27.78∼32.60t/㏊, and 17.18t/㏊ in the plot sowed early August, middle and late August, and early September respectively; while Ramon yielded more than Akela by average 6.38t/㏊ through those plots. 7. In dry matter yield, harvested 70 days after the sowing, Akela and Ramon produced respectively 6.48t/㏊ and 7.11t/㏊ in the early August sowing plot, 4.50∼4.82t/㏊ and 5.37∼5.68t/㏊ in the middle and late August sowing plot, and 2.84t/㏊ and 3.32t/㏊ in the early September sowing plot. 8. The plot sowed middle September presented scanty yield with 3.05∼4.82t/㏊ in fresh forage yield, and 0.52∼0.86t/㏊ in dry matter yield; while the plots sowed later than the middle September marked only trace in both fresh forage and dry matter yield. 9. Dry matter ratio measured at the harvesting time recorded 16.2% in Akela, 15.2% in Ramon and 14.2% in Halls.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]