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환경적으로 지속가능한 개발을 위한 폐기물의 통합적 관리 방안
Integrated Solid Waste Management for the Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development
홍상표(Sang Pyo Hong),남기창(Kie Chang Nam)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-530-007989554

The costs of solid waste management have continued to increase. Stricter environmental regulations have been applied to waste management units. Future integrated solid waste management should be balanced between source reduction, recycling, energy recovery, and land disposal. To achieve more balanced solid waste management programs, more local governments must adopt diversion and recycling goals and finance to meet those goals. The hierarchy of integrated solid waste management must be enforced in a manner that is flexible enough to allow local governments to implement waste management facilities that match the communities` ability to pay for them. In establishing a hierarchy of integrated solid waste management, local governements have difficulties in implementing source reduction and recycling because of a lack of local control and inability to pay for new facilities. Integrated solid waste management involves selecting compatible options for facilities to manage the collection, recovery of energy and materials(transformation), and disposal of solid wastes efficiently. Waste Collection, transformation, and disposal must support source reduction and recycling activities.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]