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학습 구조 차트를 활용한 구고적 사고력 신장 방안 연구
A Study of Method of the Structural Thinking Ability Increase with Learning Element Structure Chart
김영호(Young Ho Kim),박규서(Gju Seo Park)
수학교육 vol. 37 iss. 2 185-199(15pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-410-008124647

Generally teachers are likely to think like this: The students get a deep understanding of the content during class by assignment studying or individual studying. And they gradually grasp the structural relation of the whole contents of study by problem-solving as time goes by. But it is only teachers` strong hope. In other words it is difficult for the students to understand the pre and post relation or the whole relation that are used to problem-solving or right answer-oriented teaching. In this regards, the Learning Element Structure Chart was used in order to increase the students` structural thinking ability which helps the students grasp the learning substance as a whole. For this study particularly, two classes with 80 students each in the second year of technological high school were used for eight months.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]