Gutmann은 학교교육의 궁극적 목적이 `의식적 사회 재생산`(conscious social reproduction)이며, 이를 위한 초등학교 교육의 목적이 아동의 `합리적 심의`(rational deliberation)능력 배양과 도덕성 형성이라고 보았다. Gutmann은 이러한 목적은 비억압(nonrepression)과 무차별(nondiscrimination)원칙이 핵심가치가 되는 민주주의 교육에서만 가능하다고 했다. Gutmann의 비억압과 무차별 원칙은 학교가 학생들의 미래의 정치적 결정에 미칠 강력한 영향력을 제한하는 기능을 할 것이다. 초등학교 교육의 목적이며, 민주시민을 위한 필수 요소이고, 교육개혁의 기초가 되는 `합리적 심의`는 `비판적 사고`(critical thinking)를 통해 가능했다. 초등학교에서의 도덕성 형성에 대해 Gutmann은 무도덕주의, 자유주의적 중립주의, 보수주의적·자유주의적 윤리주의 등의 문제점을 제기하면서, 공립학교의 교사들이 아동들의 합리적 선택 능력과 참된 삶을 선택할 수 있는 인성을 길러주어야 한다고 보았다. 그러나 이러한 Gutmann의 논리는 민주주의적 목표 및 핵심 가치의 설정에서 자신이 권위의 원천인 철인왕 역할을 하고 있다는 비판을 받는다.
This study was to analyze and criticize core values and purposes of democratic education in elementary school by Amy Gutmann. Two core values were nonrepression and nondiscrimination which limited democratic authority. The principle of nonrepression prevents the state, and any group within it, from using education to restrict rational deliberation of competing conceptions of the good life and good society. The principle of nondiscrimination permits all educable children to be educated, and extends the logic of nonrepression, since states and families can be selectively repressive by excluding entire groups of children from schooling or by denying them an education conductive to deliberation among conceptions of the good life and the good society. The conscious social reproduction which is the primary ideal of democratic education by Gutmann will be possible only through securing above two principles. Two purposes were to develop rational deliberation ability and moral personality, or democratic character. The rational deliberation, on the individual level, is defined as careful consideration with a view to decision and, on the institutional level, as consideration and discussion of the reasons for and against a measure by a number of councilors. To develop democratic character in elementary school will be possible through developing rational deliberation ability and securing two core values of democratic education. There were three problems with Gutmann`s reasoning. establishing the authority for imposing nonrepression and nondiscrimination as the basic principle, and selecting purposes of a democratic education in elementary school, and relying on teachers´ professionalism to maintain nonrepression in the schools. But even with these problems in Gutmann`s reasoning, her core values and purposes are important for a democratic society that requires all citizens to be able to deliberate about political issues.