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John Donne 의 시형식과 현대시
현대영어영문학 21권 67-89(23pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-740-007829784

John Donne wrote all of his master-pieces before the end of the sixteenth century. However, Donne is considered as a poet of the seventeenth century because of his unconventionality. He did not follow the Petrarchan or Elizabethan literary tradition, but established a new characteristic and challenging style, which is called "metaphisical". His followers formed the Metaphisical School and most of them wrote their poems in the seventeenth century. Therefore, it can be said that Donne`s spiritual contemparies were not Shakespeare or Marlow but Bacon. Every poet has his own figurative language in expressing his experiences, thoughts, and feelings into poems. In this research, some of Donne`s poems are analyzed for the examination of Donne`s figurative language for which Donne is famous. In other words, they are analyzed from the view point of paradox, satire, metaphor, simile, conceit, hyperbole, and allusion, etc. The ideas of these poetic idioms are defined chiefly in terms of Cleanth Brooks, Helen Gardner, C.R. Reaske, Herbert J.C. Grierson, and T.S. Eliot. In modern poetry, the revival of Donne`s poetry began with Grierson, and especially with Eliot and his followers. It is the colloquial style; subtle metaphor or conceit; satire and paradox that Eliot adopted from Donne and introduced into his poetry. In short, it can be said that Eliot`s contributions were especially notable in Donne`s revival and Donne`s influence upon Eliot and modern poetry should be emphasized.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]