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수정체적출술과 편도절제술에 대한 통원수술과 입원수술의 진료비 및 만족도 비교
Comparison of Hospital Charges and Patient's Satisfaction between Ambulatory Surgical Procedures and Inpatient Surgery in Vitrectomy and Tonsillectomy Patients
서재명 ( Jae Myung Seo ) , 유승흠 ( Seoung Hum Yu )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-320-008245751

Objectives : This study was done to compare patient satisfaction and hospital charges of surgery performed in an outpatient basis(ambulatory surgical procedures). Methods : This retrospective study was performed in 20 (vitrectomy 11, tonsillectomy 9) randomly selected ambulatory surgical procedures patients and 50 (vitrectomy 26, tosillectomy 24) inpatients who received the same procedure at a general hospital in Seoul since January 1, 1998 to October 31, 1998. The operative procedures were vitrectomy and tosilletomy which could be performed on a ambulatory surgical procedures basis or on an inpatient basis. Results : The results of this study shows that the patients thought the expenses and the surgical operative time was an important factor in a ambulatory surgical procedures but there were no differences in the patient satisfaction by the method of surgery. The charges of vitrectomy and tonsilletomy were reduced up to 495,000 won and 380,000 won from 1,589,000 won 842,000 won inpatient surgery respectively. Conclusions : This study focused only on the charges of the surgical procedures and did not include the cost of patient helper, the lost salary due to missing days of work to care for a member of the family, transportation costs, and other indirect costs. Therefore, if those fees were included, ambulatory surgical procedures would be more economical. Therefore, by giving incentives at the fee schedule, the government health policies it would reduce the total hospital charges.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]