The purpose of this study is to identify the differences of physical exercise abilities of children by age, sex, and cognitive styles in order to develop a physical exercise educational program for Kindergarten children. The subjects were 62 boys and 58 girls. They were administered Coates` Figure-Embedded Test and classified into Field-Independent(32 boys and 29 girls) and Field-Dependent(30 boys and 29 girls) cognitive styles. The physical exercise abilities such as power, speed, balance, and softness were tested by Oh`s standard. The main findings of this study were as follows: First, speed, power, and balance of field-independent children are higher than those of field-dependent children. Second, there are no difference of physical exercise abilities between sexes. Third, the speed of 5 year-old children is higher than that of 4 year-old children. While there is no difference of power between 5 and 4 year-old boys, the power of 5 year-old girls is stronger than that of 4 year-old girls.