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아동의 어머니와의 상호작용관계 발달에 관한 일고찰
A review on mother - child relationship and its development
이위환(Wi Hwan Lee)
아동교육 8권 2호 129-142(14pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-370-008159127

Ainsworth et al. refer to attachment as "the affectional bond or tie that an infant forms between himself and his mother figure"(1978. p.302) which is inferred "from a stable propensity over time to seed proximity and contact with a specific figure"(p.303). Attachment is, thus, an aspect of a child`s relationship with parent figure. As we have seen, relationships both include the properties of their constituent interactions and possess properties that are consequent upon the absolute and relative frequency and patterning of these interactions over time. A number of studies thestify the strange-situation categorization tapes enduring aspects of the parent-child relationship. Further studies of mother-child interaction in the home before or after strange situation categorization at 1 year of age indicate clear difference between the A, B. and C categores. The so-called B babies tended to cry little and gave frequent positive greetings to their mothers, frequently tended to initate and show positive ractions to close bodily contact, and yet tended to show positive responses to cessation of contact. They communicated better with their mothers and were more complient. In all those respects, they differed from the A and C babies. Although the attachment construct is clearly valuable as an integating construct and is supported by a considerable body of data, there are still some diffeculties over exactly what is being measured in the strange situation.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]