The purpose of study is this that is, to find out whether there is any profit for children`s behavior in pro-social Learning Activity, and to find out whether specially combined behavior with 2 groups of Learning Activity is rather good for increasing efficiency of Pro-social Behavior. The subject of this study were 160 children`s ages full 5 and 6 years old of a certain kindergarten in Taegu, Korea, and dept-riding on "An Examination-standard" by LEE, Hye-ju, an examination was done an each 15 kindergarteners being selected into 4 groups from among 60 Kindergarteners by a random sampling method. In order to distinguish between the experiment group & the control group among the collected data, an analysis of one way ANOVA was practised by a preliminary inspecting mark system, and also in order to find out a difference between the experiment group and some other conditions after the experiment disposition, the analysis of monistic alteration and scheff`s inspection were practised by a postmark system. The conclusion eventually obtained from this study is as follows; 1. Pro-social Learning Activity had an effect on promoting Pro-social Behavior, that is, TV Watching Activity, TV Watching & Role Playing Activity and Role Playing Activity etc. were very effective to promote: Pro-social Behavior. 2. It was confirmed that comparing with other activities, TV Watching & Role Playing Activity Group among the three Learning Activities were the most effective educational method.