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비디오 유머중 재가 정신질환자의 대인관계 및 정신건강상태에 미치는 영향
Effects of Humorous Video Tapes on Mental Health Status and Interpersonal Relationships with Psychiatric Inpatients
유숙자(Sook Ja Yu),양수(Soo Yang),이종은(Jong Eun Lee)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-008075406

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of humorous video tapes on mental health status and interpersonal relationships with psychiatric inpatients. Forty four psychiatric inpatients were sampled from two university hospitals from September, 1997 to March, 1999. They were divided into two groups by hospital : an experimental group of 21 and a control group of 23 individuals. The intervention of showing humor video tapes to the experimental group was conducted three times a week for 3 weeks. The experimental group was compared with the control group before and after the intervention, in terms of mental health status and interpersonal relationships. Two instruments were used to assess mental health status: SCR-90-R: and to evaluate interpersonal relationships: Chun`s Relationship Change scale. The data were analyzed using χ^2-test, unpaired and paired t-test, two-way ANOVA. The results were as follows : 1. The score of SCL-90-R was significantly improved after humorous video tape intervention with the experimental group. while that of the control group was significantly improved in all categories except somatization and hostility. However, there was no significant difference in all categories between the two groups. 2. The level of interpersonal relationships revealed significant difference between pre-and post-intervention in the experimental group but showed no significant difference between the two groups. 3. The score of hostility by gender revealed a significant difference between the two groups but there was an interaction between group and gender. There were also interaction effects on the scores of psychosis and interpersonal relationships between group and gender. The score of psychosis for male patients showed a significant difference between the groups. The score of interpersonal relationship for male patients revealed a significant difference between the groups and was significantly different form that of female patients in the experimental group. 4. The score of paranoia ideation had no significant different between the groups but had a significant difference by educational level. However, there was no a interaction between group and education level. 5. For the level of interpersonal relationships according to employment status, there was a significant difference between the groups and on interaction between groups and employment status. In the light of cur findings, the study implies that humorous video tape intervention as effective on parts of mental health status and interpersonal relationships with psychiatric inpatients. However, further study is needed to examine the intervention effects with larger samples and longer study periods.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]