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스트레칭운동이 양로원노인의 체력 , 일상활동능력 및 삶의 질에 미치는 효과
A Study on the Effects of the Stretching Exerise on Senile Asylum People's Physical Strength , Activities of Daily Life and Quality of Life
김여옥(Yeo Ok Kim)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-008075577

Senile people can be easily subject to diseases as their physical functions are weakened by aging. At the same time, their physical fitness will also be disturbed, causing them to rely more on other` support for their instrumental activities of daily life. The result will be deteriorated quality of life. On the other hand, senile people frequantly suffer from one or more chronic degenerative diseases, so it may well be necessary for them to exercise regularly and manage their body in order to prevent their physical functions from being degenerated further. With such a conception in mind, the researcher encouraged the senile people accommodated in an asylum to continue to be engaged in the stretching exercise regularly. It was conceived that the senile people who may suffer a muscular contraction due to their long sedentary living could rely on the stretching exercise which can be preformed easily and safety without using any exercise tool. With such a conception in mind, this study was aimed at testing the instrumental activities of daily living and quality of life and thereby, suggesting a stretching exercise model to improve their health. To this end, each 15 senile people were sampled as test and control group, respectively from an asylum located at Songpa-gu, Seoul. The two groups were subject to a stretching exercise program for 8 weeks from April to May 29, 1998. The results of testing the hypotheses can be summarized as follows : 1. It was found that the stretching exercise would have an effect of improving senile people`s physical fitness. Such facoirs of their physical fitness as grasping strength (left and right hands), abdominal muscular stregth, flexibility and balancing ability were all improved. Therefore it is conceived that this stretching exercise program is suitable to improvement of senile people`s physical fitness. 2. Although the stretching exercise showed some effects on senile people`s such instrumental activities of daily living as home keeping and cleaning works as the exercise program processed, there could be found no overall significant effects. 3. Although the stretching exercise had some effects on senile people`s such quality of life as emotional condition, self-respect, physical condition and function as the exercise program processed, the effects were not significant in statistical terms. Such findings may suggest that a short-term stretching exercise alone may not be sufficient to improve senile people`s quality of life involving their physical, emotional and socio-economic conditions. Summing up, the stretching exercise may help to improve senile people`s physical fitness, out it cannot improve their quality of life significantly. Therefore, it may well be necessary to extend an emotional support to the senile people who feel lonely only to fail in despair or suffer from the sense of impending dealth. Nevertheless, those sample senile people who participated in this stretching exercise program reported that they were pleased to feel their health improved with their joints softened, Lastly, it is hoped that future studies would develop a longer exercise program together with various emotional support ones.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]