The purpose of this study is to develop a mental health model for families with adolescents in Chunchon. The researchers investigated problems of the families with adolescents and the families` desire for counseling and programs to enhance the family functioning. The researchers also investigated that the parents can use to receive counseling or participate educational programs to improve parenting skills and family relationships in the Chunchon city area. In-depth interviews with principals, superintendents, parents, agency staff were conducted to find out the community resources. Questionnaires were completed by 695 parents who had adolescents in Chunchon area high schools. This result revealed the following : 1) Most families did not have counseling experience with teachers or professional counselors even though they would like to have these opportunities. 2) Many families want to have counseling as well as participate in family education and family activity programs. However, there are inadequate family counseling centers in the community. Most agencies in the Chunchon city area serve families who have speical problems such as adolescent behavioral problems, divorce, sexual abuse, mental illness or financial difficulties. The counseling center at different schools provide limited counseling service to students and families. 3) To prevent adolescent problems and family conflict, the function of the agencies in the community should be broadened Counseling center at school should screen the students who have different problems and refer them to appropriate agencies earlier. Kangwon Province youth counseling centers should develop new programs for different schools as well as train the staff. Furthermore, the other agencies in the community must develop prevention and treatment programs for the population whom they are serving and increase their referal functioning. 4) There should be family counseling center and shelter for run-away youths or youths from violent families. Moreover, there should be a 24 hour telephone hotline. 5) To improve quality of counseling service, there should be regular case conferences and consultation meetings between counselor and professionals in the community. 6) There should be financial and administration support from government.