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재조합 부갑상선 홀몬의 일반약리작용
General Pharmacological Properties of Recombinant Human Parathyroid Hormone
이은방(Eun Bang Lee),장혜옥(Hae Ock Chang),이향주(Hyang Joo Lee),천선아(Seon Ah Cheon)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-008085393
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 무료로 이용 가능한 자료입니다.

General pharmacological properties of recombinant human parathyroid hormone (hPTH) were examined. The administration of hPTH (7, 35 and 175 IU/kg sc) in mice had no effects in general behavior and central nervous system, and no influences on normal body temperature, writhing syndromes induced by 0.7% acetic acid solution and chemoshock produced by strychnine and pentetrazol solution. hPTH (9 and 44 IU/kg, sc) given to anesthetized rabbits showed no effect on blood pressure of carotid artery and respiration, and it did not influence the responses produced by injection of acetylcholine or epinephrine. It showed no direct effect at 4.4 x 10^(-2) IU/ml in isolated stomach fundus and uterus of rats and ileum of guinea-pig, and it also showed no inhibition of contraction produced by acetylcholine, oxytocin, serotonin and histamine in the above-mentioned preparations. It did not influence intestinal propulsion at the doses of 7, 35 and 175 IU/kg sc in mice. This drug exhibited no effect on urinary excretion at the doses of 7 and 35 IU/kg sc in rats. However, at a dose of 175 IU/kg sc, it showed a decreased urination along with decreased excretion of potassium, sodium and chloride ion. These results indicate that hPTH does not exert any of serious pharmacological effects except the inhibition of urination at a highest dose used.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]