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정상 ICR mouse 및 SD rat 에서 CJ-50001 (rG-CSF) 의 단회투여후 말초호중구수의 변동 및 용량상관성
The Effect of a Single Administration of rG-CSF on the Peripheral Neutrophil Levels and Its Dose Responsiveness in Normal ICR mice and SD rats
김제학(Je Hak Kim),김현수(Hyun Su Kim),김달현(Dal Hyun Kim),임동문(Dong Moon Lim),조효진(Hyo Jin Cho),이현수(Hyun Soo Lee)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-008085666
This article is 4 pages or less.
* This article is free of use.

CJ-50001 is a recombinant granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (rG-CSF) developed by Cheil Jedang R&D Center. The effects of CJ-50001 on the increase of peripheral neutrophil count following intravenous and subcutaneous single administration at a dose of 20 ㎍/kg in normal ICR mice and SD rats, respectively, were compared with those of Grasin, a control drug. Both CJ-50001 and Grasin significantly increased the peripheral neutrophil number in four treatment groups and the maximum number of neutrophil was achieved at 12 to 18 h in rats and mice, respectively. The dose dependency test was studied for CJ-50001 only in normal mice by intravenous or subcutaneous administration. When administered i.v or s.c at the various doses in normal mice, CJ-50001 significantly increased the neutrophil number over the dose of 160 ng/kg, compared with the vehicle control group. From these results, it was concluded that CJ-50001 showed efficacy similar to Grasin in the peripheral neutrophil count increase.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]