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프로스타글란딘 유도체의 합성과 그의 생물학적 활성에 관한 연구 2. 위궤양과 위산분비에 대한 프로스타글란딘 유도체의 효과
Studies on the Synthesis and Biological Aetivity of Prostaglandin Derivatives 2. Effects of Prostaglandin Derivatives on Acute Gastric Ulcer and Gastric Secretion in Rats
조태순(Tai Soon Cho),이선미(Sun Mee Lee),함원훈(Won Hun Ham),이병무(Byung Mu Lee),김경례(Kyoung Rae Kim),지상철(Sang Cheol Chi),고준일(Jun Ill Ko),박인(In Park),오창영(Chang Young Oh),박호군(Ho Koon Park),김형자(Hyoung Ja Kim),이향우(Hyang Woo Lee)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-008087291
* This article is free of use.

The antiulcer effects of newly synthesized prostaglandin derivatives were investigated in various experimental ulcer models and on gastric secretion in rats. HK-3 and HK-4, PGE₂ derivatives, prevented the formation of acute gastric ulcer induced by ethanol or aspirin in pylorus-ligated rats. The ulcer formation was moderately inhibited by HK-1 and HK-2, PGF_(2α) derivatives, and aggravated by SK-1, SK-2 and SK-3, PGF_(2α) derivatives. HK-3 and HK-4 reduced the volume, acid output and pepsin output of gastric juice in pylorus-ligated rats. The gastric perfusion with physiologic saline(pH 6.0) showed relatively constant acid secretion and indomethacin increased the acid secretion. The acid secretion was markedly decreased by PGE₂ but PGF_(2α) caused little change. Prostaglandin derivatives, especially HK-3 and HK-4, significantly inhibited the acid secretion induced by indomethacin. The results show that, PGE₂ derivatives, HK-3 and HK-4, inhibit acid secretion and also have protective effects on gastric ulceration induced by ethanol or aspirin.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]