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위장질환 치료용 의약조성물 ( DWP 302 ) 의 일반약리작용
General Pharmacology of DWP 302, a New Combined Drug for Gastroduodenal Diseases
유영효(Young Hyo Yu),임승욱(Seung Wook Lim),염제호(Je Ho Yeom),김영만(Young Man Kim),장병수(Byeong Su Jang),남권호(Kweon Ho Nam),김동오(Dong O Kim),박명환(Myung Hwon Park)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2009-510-008088056
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 무료로 이용 가능한 자료입니다.

The general and some pharmacological actions of DWP 302 were investigated in animals and the following results were obtained. In central nervous system, DWP 302 had no effects on the pentobarbital induced anaesthesia, locomotor activity, rotarod test, traction test, analgesic action in the mice and body temperature in the rat. DWP 302 showed no depressive action on the convulsion induced by strychnine and electronic shock. From these results, DWP 302 was considered to have no or little pharmacological effect on the central nervous system. Furthermore, DWP 302 had no influences on the normal blood pressure and heart rate. In the isolated ileum of guinea pig, DWP 302 showed neither contractive nor relaxing effects against the acetylcholine (10^(-6) g/ml), histamine (10^(-6) g/ml) and BaCl₂ (10⁴g/ml) at a concentration of 1.9X 10⁴g/ml in bath. But it caused a slight increase in basal tone at a concentration of 6.3 X 10^(-4) g/ml and this effect was inhibited by atropine 10^7 g/ml. In the isolated trachea and vas deference, DWP 302 showed no effect on the contractions produced by histamine and norepinephrine, respectively. And DWP 302 showed no effect on the contractions producd by acetylcholine and oxytocin in the isolated nonpregnant rat uterus. DWP 302 had no effect on bile excretion, urine volume, pH and gastrointestinal motility. But, DWP 302 showed a significant inhibitory effect on gastric secretion in the rat.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]