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노화에 관한 발칙한 상상시간성, 정체성 그리고 첨단 기술
An Impudent Imagination on Aging: Temporality, Identity and Advanced Technologies
박승억 ( Park Seung Ug )
안과밖 57권 110-134(25pages)
DOI 10.46645/inoutsesk.57.4

One way for a humble being to manage an irresistible force is to attribute divinity to that force. This has been our attitude toward aging and death. Throughout human history, aging and death have been considered sacred because they are thought to be beyond human control. However, just as many sacred beings have been secularized, aging and death are now also becoming secularized. Advances in biotechnology and anti-aging technology are driving these changes. I believe it is time for humanity to consider the meaning of life in a world where aging and frailty become curable diseases.

1. 생의 의미와 시간성
2. 오래 사는 삶을 향한 욕망과 상상, 그리고 노년의 쓸모
3. 기술의 발전, 그리고 노화에 관한 발칙한 상상
4. 노화라는 질병, 그 인식 전환의 효과
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]