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KCI 등재
하천 연속성의 개념과 평가: 국외 사례 비교를 통한 국내 적용성 고찰
The Concept and Assessment of River Continuity: Review of Global Trends for Domestic Application
최예림 ( Yerim Choi ) , 이대희 ( Dae-hee Lee ) , 유경아 ( Kyung-a You ) , 장광현 ( Kwang-hyeon Chang ) , 김정희 ( Jeong-hui Kim )
생태와 환경 57권 3호 169-188(20pages)

Recently, Korean government has incorporated the assessment and restoration of river continuity as a key component of its integrated water management policy. While, methodologies for evaluating discontinuities and degradation, as well as the procedures for assessment and restoration, have been developed and proposed, there is a need for further improvement. Therefore, further research is required to establish a conceptual framework for continuity specific to domestic river ecosystems and to formulate appropriate assessment methods and restoration strategies. In this study we conduct a comparative analysis of the concepts, restoration approaches, and comprehensive evaluation methods for river continuity as proposed by Japan, the United States, and the European Union (EU), all of which have long-standing frameworks for river continuity assessment and restoration projects. Each country demonstrates distinct objectives and guidelines: Japan emphasizes habitat continuity within the context of river and watershed continuity, the United States integrates continuity as a tool for watershed management, and the EU prioritizes biodiversity conservation by advocating for the removal of artificial barriers and promoting the restoration of free-flowing rivers (FFR). By investigating these international examples, this study provides insights that can guide the development of long-term strategies and evaluation criteria for securing aquatic ecosystem continuity in Korea.

하천 연속성의 개념
국내 하천 연속성 단절 상황과 연속성 확보 정책
일본의 하천 연속성 개념과 관리
미국 EPA의 하천 연속성 개념과 관리
결론 및 제언
적 요
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]